środa, 9 lipca 2014


Auschwitz is a place known as an extermination camp. It was established in 1940 by the Nazi Germans. The first assumption of Auschwitz was to be a concentration camp for those of arrested Poles who could not stay in prison due to a lack of free places. Therefore Poles were first prisoners in the concentration camp. In the course of time, lots of people were transported into the camp. At the beginning there were around 8 thousand in which were small group of Jews and Germans.

 A year ago, there were almost 26 thousand of people (around 15 000 Poles, 10 000 prisoners of war and over 1 000 Jews). Since 1942, a number of people has increased very fast. 197 000 of Jews were transported there in that time, in 1943 the number icreased to 270 000 of Jews and in 1944 - 600 000 of Jews.  It would be easy to noticed that the structure of prisoners have changed and Jews were the most popular group in Auschwitz.

Nationality/Category Number of people
Jews 1,1 mln
Poles 140-150 thou
Gypsy 23 thou
Soviet prisoners of war 15 thou
Others 25 thou
Total ~ 1,3 mln

* souce: http://pl.auschwitz.org

Despite of the fact that the camp was enormous, Nazis decided to divide it into three part with an autonomy for all of these part separately. 

Nazis carried out tests on humans (prisoners of camp). Those acts were the worst they have ever done during that time. Their behaved unprofessional as doctors because treating people like animals or subjects is not really conform with medical ethics. 

Breaking news from Auschwitz - Birkenau Memorial and Museum 

1) The beginnings of the Etermination of Jews in KL Auschwitz
Unpublished documents and other materials until today you can see in Auschwitz. 
Price per unit: 40,00 PLN 

From time to time I will try to put here some "news" about exhibition and so on.

wtorek, 1 lipca 2014

Salt Mine Krakow

Most of tourists choose trips to Salt Mine Wieliczka during their visit in Krakow. Therefore I decided to write something about that place.

Nowadays, Salt Mine Wieliczka is a combination of tradition and modernity. It is a great place for organising a ball (like proms), wedding or even press conference. The air of salt chambers improve health in general especially breathing. Even though you will be stand deep under the ground, you can experience a relief for a soul due to provided concerts, theatre shows and lots of art displays.

Breaking news: Two treatment chambers have been opened recently in the Mine. One of them will be used for kinesiotherapy. The second one will be used as a chamber for resting and education.

Thanks to the micro climate everyone will be relaxed. An air free of pollution and allergens is especially something for me, because I'm asthmatic and alergic. Todays, visiting place like this is a good escape from polluted cities where we work, study and live all the time. From my point of view, taking a break from work for view days could help you to clear your mind from problems and take an opportunity to think about another stuff and maybe take care of someone you love.

Ojcowski National Park

Ojcowski National Park is one of 23th National Parks in Poland. The area is situated in the Lesser Poland, near Krakow.

This beautiful national park was devastated in ninetheeth century due to cutting trees, digging in caves (some of people were looking for a fertiliser). In the same time explorers discovered new spieces of plants and animals. Beauty of the Prądnik Valley grabs the tourist's attention. What's more, a scultpure of area is very interesting. You can see for eg. the Needle of Deotyma, the Krakow's Gate. A limestone substrate contributed to create caves like the Łokietek Cave or Zbójecka Cave.
Due to a human activity, most of the species have died long time ago, but the nature has preserved a large variety of species you can admire now.The number of animals is estimate around 11 thousand living in the park. The Ojcowski National Park is recognisable by several symbols like for eg. bats.

There are many hiking trails you can follow.
1. Red Trail
Length: 13,6 km
Interesting things you must see: Hermit Cottage, Source of Love, the Needle of Deotyna

2. Blue Trail
Length: 9 km
Interesting things you must see: Będkowska Valley, Czajowice, Ciasne Skałki Ravine, Krakow's Gate, Ojców, Grodzisko, the Rock

3. Yellow Trail
Length: 9,5 km
Interesting things you must see: Krzeszowice, Szklary, Wierzchowie, Murownia, Prądnik Valley, Sąspowska Valley, Sąspów, Pieskowa Skała

4. Green Trail
Length: 5,3 km
Interesting things you must see: Sąspowska Valley, Gold Mountain, Castle Park, Residence "Under Crown", Dark Cave, Okopy Mountain, Prądnik Valley, Krakow's Gate

5. Black Trail
Length: 9,2 km
Interesting things you must see: Łokietek Cave, Chełmowa Mountain, Jonaszówka, Ojców, Kaliski, Młynnik, Sunny Mountain, Herianówka, Pieskowa Skała

Ojcowski National Park is also for families with children. There is a posibility to get there by car, but only to the castle in Ojców. An entrance to the Ojcowski National Park is for free. Although inside the park are lots of plants, valleys and caves, there are facilities for baby carriages therefore you don't have to be worried that you would not be able to walk with babies through the park.